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Blackpool Cricket Club Sports Development



BCCSD is a charity set up by BCC members to work in partnership with Blackpool Cricket Club.


The objects of the charity are the provision of grants to advance participation and interest in sports to be provided at Blackpool Cricket Clubs grounds for the benefit of citizens of Blackpool and its environs.


The biggest advantage of the charity is to receive gift aid on donations. Gift Aid is repayment of Income Tax and Capital Gains tax paid by individuals and it is then given back to BCCSD. That means for a donation of £4 BCCSD is given a further £1 by the government.


It is registered overseen by HMRC and the Charity Commission (Charity Number 1200099) The Deed of Trust setting up BCCSD can be viewed on the following link.


Donations can be made at the bar. 


If prefered a Standing Order can be set up either through your own online banking to BCCSD Sort Code 30-96-36 Account Number 78686868, Please use your name in the reference field, or by printing and filling in a Standing Order form see following link and send it to your bank (or set up via Online Banking Apps). Please remember to fill in the Gift Aid Declaration and give it in at the bar! See link.



A list of grants given can be seen below.


For further information or help contact via email


2023 - BCC Junior Section - IPADs for Online Scoring  - £484.00

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