Tuesday 30th April 2019
Ashworth Room (upstairs room) @ BCC
Junior Cricket Launch: 6:30pm - 8pm

The junior season is nearly upon us and we have organised a junior season launch prior to
the start of the junior fixtures. The objective of this night, is to get all parents and players together who will be involved in our hardball teams for this year, and to provide more information regarding the season including; coaches for 2019, key contacts, safeguarding, training etc.
We will also be using the night as a “junior sign on” night. This is to collect information with the view to update our junior database for 2019.
First Outdoor Training Sessions:
Friday 26th April 2019
Ages 5 -10yrs
£2 subs per session
Monday 29th April 2019
U11-U15 age groups
£2 subs per session
More information on junior fixtures can be found at the club’s new website: https://www.blackpoolcricket.co.uk/junior-cricket
Any membership enquiries can be found on the website: https://www.blackpoolcricket.co.uk/memberships
Any questions or enquiries please contact us.